Pre-Islamic Poem
The Summary
Translating of the first poem from the collection of poems from the time before Islam
ترجمة معلقة امرؤ القيس إلى الانكليزية:
This poet as other poets of pre-Islam period i.e." the Pagan period" starts his poem on mentioning and flashing back to his memory the lover place and dwelling i.e. the erotic poetry. He said in the first line; please stay with me to cry upon my lover dwelling and remnants, which is situated on Mecca desert or the Arabian Desert. However, the preface is, he still mentioning with scrupulously description the body and the behavior of the woman in general, and let nothing for discussion unless he do his practices to describe the shameful part of the woman. Notice the verse (17) what he had said. Of course, it is vulgar and shameful to be translated. In the second point, he turns to describe his hours and indeed, he describes it exclusively in an excellent description on which it is swift horse, graceful, strong, its straight tail that is usually on the middle- position, its legs, and its forehead, etc... Then he followed his description to describe hunts and in comparison how often, that horse speed precedes the wild animals on the desert. At the end, he changes his manner to describe the rainy clouds that pours its rain to wet the ground then the desert land will be flourish, and how the flowage swept everything on its way even the buildings and animals, then the poet symbolizes the hills' peak as if the middle of the spindle which contains the wool. It is indeed a good poem since it has a good utterance, abundant of meanings, eloquent in letter and sprit as well as all the collections of the pre-Islamic period poems have the same characteristics.
What could we extract from this poem?
- The tribal societies on that time have not prohibitive things; the wine the adultery, the theft, moreover they worshiped the idols but the Islam recovered them and purified their souls.
- They are strong men, bold men, generous men, had good qualification on battlefields and war affairs.
- They are kind to their neighbours... etc...
- The black-paint or the black-stain on the behavior of this poet -in how much that he tries to practice the unfamiliar practicing, which is out of the Islam religion- is not an excuse for criticism since not all societies are clear off this shamefully manner of practices. Yet the Islam on the Arabian region recovers souls from sins and all prohibitive things.
The translation:
قَفَاَ نَبْكِ مِنْ ذِكُرَى حَبِيبٍ وَمَنْزِلِ بِسِقْطِ اللِّوَى بَيْنَ الدَّخُولِ فَحَوْ مَلِ
هنا لم أذكر في الترجمة ( دخول و حومل ) واكتفيت بقولي ( some of Mecca places) فالمهم الحدث وليس المكان .. المترجم.
Stop to moan upon my lover's dwelling remnants.
Which its trail remains between some of Mecca places.
فَتُوِضحَ فَاْلِمقْرَاةِ لَمْ يَعْفُ رَسْمُهَا لِمَا نَسَجَتْهَا مِنْ جَنُوبٍ وَشَمْأَلِ
There my lover dwelling its remnants still witness.
However, north or south wind had swept them continuously.
تَرى بَعَرَ الآرْآمِ فِي عَرَضَاتِها وقِيعانِها كَأَنَّهُ حَبُّ فُلْفُلِ
Yet, you can see the dung of white deer still there.
And the dwelling ground likes the seed of red-pepper.
كَأَنِّي غَدَاةَ الْبَيْنِ يَوْمَ تَحَمَّلُوا لَدَى سَمُراتِ الَحْيِّ نَاقِف حَنْظَلِ
I stood there bewildering beside acacia trees, which grow near her tribe.
As someone who tries to prick the bitter colocynth fruit to eat its pulp.
He will be neither cure nor die, moaning until dawn his lover departure.
وُقُوفاً بِهَا صَحْبي عَلَيَّ مَطِيَّهُمْ يقُولُونَ: لا تَهلِكْ أَسىً وَتَجَمَّلِ
I stood there many times, while my fellows riding their camels.
Saying to me, be aware, you will be die or becomes anguished.
وإِنَّ شِفَائِي عَبْرَةٌ مُهْراقَةٌ فَهَلْ عِنْدَ رَسْمٍ دَارِسٍ مِنْ مُعَوَّلِ
My misery is "shed tears" I shed it near my lover dwelling remnant.
Is there any mattock to dig a new grave and burry my soul?
كَدَأْبِكَ مِنْ أُمِّ الْحَويرِثِ قَبْلَها وَجَارَتِها أُمِّ الرِّبابِ بِمَأْسَلِ
Your torture after falling in love of this woman—
Is the same chance, you had got with Um- Harth and her neighbor before.
إِذَا قَامَتا تَضَوَّعَ المِسْكُ مِنْهُمَا نَسِيمَ الْصِّبَا جَاءَتْ بِرَيَّا الْقَرَنْفُلِ
When they stand, the musk's odor smells out their dresses.
Looks like the north breeze, which brings the carnation perfume.
فَفَاضَتْ دُمُوعُ الْعَيْنِ مِنِّي صَبَابَةً عَلى الْنَّحْرِ حَتَّى بَلَّ دَمْعِي محْمَليِ
On that time, my tears flooded passionately covering my neck.
Even the tears flow down until wetting the ground.
-أَلا رُبَّ يَوْمٍ لَكَ مِنْهُنَّ صَالِحٍ وَلا سِيمَّا يَوْمٍ بِدَارَةِ جُلْجُلِ
If only I have favour even though one day of those days.
Especially the day on which, I practiced love near the (Gungle) brook.
وَيَوْمَ عَقَرْتُ لِلْعَذَارَى مَطِيِّتي فَيَا عَجَباً مِنْ كُورِهَا الُمتَحَمَّلِ
The day on which, I had slaughtered my camel for the maidens to eat.
Oh! How much flesh on its back the camel has?
-فَظَلَّ الْعَذَارَى يَرْتِمَينَ بِلَحْمِهَا وَشَحْمٍ كهُدَّابِ الدِّمَقْسِ الُمَفَّتلِ
The maidens still enjoy eating that plump fleshy camel's back.
Which is additionally, contains twisted white fat likes the damask.
وَيَوْمَ دَخَلْتُ الْخِدْرِ خَدْرَ عُنَيْزَةٍ فَقَالَتْ لَكَ الْوَيْلاتُ إِنَّكَ مُرْجِلي
One day I entered the boudoir of my lover-mentioning girl.
She said to me woe! Guy; you will reveal my secret publicly.
تَقُولُ وَقَدْ مَالَ الْغَبِيط بِنَا مَعاً عَقَرْتَ بَعيري يَا امْرأَ القَيْسِ فَانْزِلِ
She said when the howdah turns to fall down from the heavy load of both.
Qais, you must debark, my camel could not continue the march.
فَقُلْتُ لَهَا سِيري وأرْخِي زِمَامَهُ وَلا تُبْعِدِيني مِنْ جَنَاكِ اُلْمعَلَّلِ
I call her to go-ahead and loose its rein.
Saying to her, I wish you might not leave me out of your passionate love.
فَمِثْلِكِ حُبْلَى قَدْ طَرَقْتُ وَمُرْضِعٍ فَأَلهيْتُهَا عَنْ ذِي تَمائِمَ مُحْوِلِ
The passionately love may be an entertainment to the woman.
Even if she is pregnancy or nursing mother, the love sustains her health.
إِذا ما بَكى مَنْ خَلْفِها انْصَرَفَتْ لهُ بِشِقٍّ وَتحْتي شِقّها لم يُحَوَّلِ
If her child cries, she immediately turns to feed him by her upper chest.
However, the half part of her body is under my sexual application wishes.
وَيَوْماً على ظَهْرِ الْكَثيبِ تَعَذَّرَتْ عَليَّ وَآلَتْ حَلْفَةً لم تَحَلَّلِ
One day on the peak of sand dune, she excused not to allow me.
To practice with her the enjoyable love and swore to cut the relation.
أَفاطِمَ مَهْلاً بَعْضَ هذا التَّدَلّلِ وَإِن كنتِ قد أَزْمعْتِ صَرْمي فأَجْمِلي
O, (Fatima) please be ease, cut off some of this coquetry.
And if you determine to abandon me, please be fair.
أغَرَّكِ منِّي أن حبَّكِ قاتِلي وَأَنَّكِ مهما تأْمري الْقلبَ يَفْعَلِ
Does your passionate love is your excuse?
To kill me as you want and, however, you want!
وَإِنْ تَكُ قد ساء تك مِني خَليقةٌ فسُلِّي ثيابي من ثيابِكِ تَنْسُلِ
If something of my attires disturb you—
Please, I suggest that you know our both attires had the same source.
وَما ذَرَفَتْ عَيْناكِ إِلا لِتضرِبي بِسَهْمَيْكِ في أَعْشارِ قلْبٍ مُقَتَّلِ
Moreover, when your eyes shed tears, this hurt me.
When throwing their arrows they cut my heart to peaces.
وَبَيْضةِ خِدْرٍ لا يُرامُ خِباؤُها تَمتَّعْتُ من لَهْوٍ بها غيرَ مُعجَلِ
Perhaps, slowly and desirably I had enjoyed myself with a white woman.
Who she stays in her tent settle there as the bird that incubate its egg.
تجاوَزتُ أَحْراساً إِلَيْها وَمَعْشراً علّي حِراصاً لَوْ يسرُّونَ مقتَلي
I have passed there her guards and her fellow tribe.
Of course, they kill me soon, if they know I got there.
إِذا ما الثّرَيَّا في السَّماءِ تَعَرَّضَتْ تَعَرُّضَ أَثْناءِ الْوِشاحِ الُمفَصَّلِ
I meet her when the Chandelier on top of the sky appeared.
Which looks alike her jewelry- embroidered scarf.
فجِئْتُ وقد نَضَّتْ لِنَوْمٍ ثيابَها لدى السّترِ إِلا لِبْسَةَ الُمتَفَضِّلِ
I came there when she took off her dresses pretends to sleep.
She waited me there in front of her tent for sexual purpose.
فقالتْ: يَمينَ اللهِ مالكَ حِيلَةٌ وَما إِنْ أَرى عنكَ الغَوايةَ تَنْجلي
Then she said; by the God, you had not any trick.
I read on your face that you decide to commit sin certainly.
خَرَجْتُ بها أَمْشي تَجُرِّ وَراءنَا على أَثَرَيْنا ذَيْلَ مِرْطٍ مُرَحَّلِ
I took her out of her dwelling followed me.
Wearing her silky long garment, this sweeps the ground.
فلمَّا أَجَزْنا ساحَة الحيّ وَانْتَحَى بنا بطنُ خَبْتٍ ذي حِقافٍ عَقَنْقَلِ
When we have passed her tribe's yard and reached secure place.
Between the circular sandy hills covered by bushes, we stop there.
هَصَرْتُ بِفَوْدَيْ رأْسِهاَ فَتمايَلَتْ علّي هضِيمَ الْكَشْحِ رَيَّا الْمَخْلخَلِ
Immediately I put her head on the middle of my chest strongly.
She responds to me at once and swings between her thin waist and neck.
مُهَفْهَفَةٌ بَيْضاءُ غيرُ مُفاضَةٍ ترائبُها مَصْقولَةٌ كالسَّجَنْجَلِ
She is pleasant, white, and lovely, of slim waistline woman.
Otherwise, her bosom is glossed like the mirror.
كَبَكْرِ الُمقاناةِ البَياضَ بَصُفْرَةٍ غذاها نَميرُ الماءِ غيرُ الُمحَلّلِ
She is alike the virgin of unprecedented female.
She is of desirable colour that mixes between white and yellow.
Who, feeds only on the pure water, never is turbid by other.
تصُدّ وَتُبْدي عن أَسيلٍ وَتَتَّقي بناظرَةٍ من وَحشِ وَجْرَةَ مُطَفِلِ
She turns and appears her shiny veiled check to us.
But looks to us as the wild mother deer of experiencing sight.
وجِيدٍ كجِيدِ الرّئْمِ ليْسَ بفاحشٍ إِذا هيَ نَصَّتْهُ وَلا بمُعَطَّلِ
Her neck is better than the neck of white antelope.
However, this neck carries heavy necklaces, but easily can move.
وَفَرْعٍ يَزينُ اَلمتنَ أَسْودَ فاحِمٍ أَثِيثٍ كَقِنْوِ النّخلةِ الُمتَعَثْكِل
Her coal black hair covers her back.
Likes the relaxed thick branches of date palm is her hair.
غدائِرُه مُسْتَشْزِراتٌ إِلى العُلا تَضِلّ العِقاصُ في مُثَنَّى وَمُرْسَلِ
Her braids are fastened on the top of her head.
She looses her hair's end fabulously unrestricted in two tufts.
وكَشْحٍ لطيفٍ كالجديل مُخَصَّرٍ وساق كاْنبوبِ السَّقيّ الُمذَلَّلِ
(أنبوب السقي المدلل يقصد به نبات البردي المشبع بالماء)
Her flank is fine and twisted into the middle.
Her legs are as the irrigated fresh sedges stems.
وتضحي فتيتُ المِسكِ فوقَ فراشها نؤُومَ الضُّحى لم تَنْتُطِقْ عن تفضُّل
When she awakes the smell of musk is around her bed.
She is slugabed the forenoon time never she wears the belt of servants.
وَتَعْطو برَخْصٍ غيرِ شَئْن كأنهُ أَساريعُ ظْبيٍ أوْ مساويكُ إِسْحِلِ
She picks the things by smooth soft fingertips.
Which are alike the fingertips of deer or lizard feet.
تُضيءُ الظَّلامَ بالعِشاءِ كأَنَّها مَنارَةُ مُمْسَى راهِبٍ مُتَبَتِّلِ
She lights her house on evening time.
Her house looks alike the cell of the worshiper monk.
إِلى مِثْلِها يَرْنو الَحليمُ صَبابَةَ إِذا ما اسبَكَرَّتْ بينَ درْعٍ ومجْوَلِ
To this woman, every tolerant man would seek to reach her heart.
Who she precedes her little fellow since she is long height.
تَسَلَّتْ عَماياتُ الرِّجالِ عَنِ الصبا وليسَ فُؤَادي عن هواكِ بُمنْسَلِ
Despite of all men abandon the love of this passionate woman.
Still I claim that my heart is unchangeable of this love.
أَلا رُبَّ خصْمٍ فيكِ أَلْوَى رَدَدْتُه نصيحٍ على تَعذا لهِ غيرِ مُؤتَلِ
I wish only that any opponent tried to prevent me from this love.
Never I listen to him, but go ahead on my passion.
وَليلٍ كمَوْجِ الْبَحْرِ أَرْخَى سُدولَهُ عليَّ بأَنْواعِ الُهمُومِ ليبْتَلي
The night covers me loosing its end likes the wide sea.
Mourning me by its coming motivates my pains and my emotions.
فَقلْتُ لَهُ لَّما تَمَطَّى بصُلْبِهِ وَأَرْدَفَ أَعْجَازاً وَناءَ بكَلْكَلِ
I have said to the night when I feel it is apparently endless.
Moreover, it hurts me by its stiff emotions.
أَلا أَيُّها الَّليْلُ الطَّويلُ أَلا انْجَلي بصُبْحٍ وما الإِصْباحُ مِنكَ بأَمْثَل
O, cursed night; do you go away please.
Break dawn please, although I think morning is worse than thy night.
فيا لكَ مِن لَيْلٍ كأَنَّ نُجومَهُ بأَمْراسِ كتَّانٍ إِلى صُمِّ جندَلِ
What a long night you are!
As if your stars are fastened by strong- rob to the mountain.
وَقِرْبَةِ أَقْوامٍ جَعَلْتُ عِصَامَها على كاهِلٍ منِّي ذَلُولٍ مُرَحَّل
May be some of tribes put their reliance upon the stick of someone.
Who is restless, and his camel usually is ready to departure.
وَوَادٍ كجَوْفِ الْعَيرِ قَفْرٍ قطعْتُهُ بهِ الذئبُ يَعوي كالَخليعِ الُمعَيَّلِ
To that valley, he tends on, which looks alike the ass abdomen.
On which it is encircled by wilderness and the wolf howling there.
فقُلتُ لهُ لما عَوى: إِنَّ شأْنَنا قليلُ ألْغِنى إِنْ كنتَ لَّما تَموَّلِ
I said to the wolf when it howls; let us go.
We are poor men; you can find your dinner in another place.
كِلانا إِذا ما نالَ شَيْئاً أَفاتَهُ وَمَنْ يْحترِث حَرْثي وحَرْثَك يهزِل
Both of us if he thinks that he gains something may not expect the better.
That way will depress our strength since it is not secure way.
وَقَدْ أَغْتَدي والطَّيُر في وُكُناتِها بُمنْجَرِدٍ قَيْدِ الاوابِدِ هيْكلِ
May be I go away to wilderness finding the birds still on their nests.
On which the forerunner wild animals can be seen there also.
مِكَر مِفَرِّ مُقْبِلٍ مُدْبِرٍ مَعاً كجُلْمُودِ صَخْرٍ حطَّهُ السَّيْل من عَلِ
My horse is swift and accustomed to do all battlefields acts.
Its running is similar to the descended stone carried by the water current.
كُمَيْتٍ يَزِل الّلبْدُ عن حالِ مَتْنِهِ كما زَلَّتِ الصَّفْواءُ بالُمَتَنِّزلِ
A reddish brown colour horse, its saddle may slip away out of its back.
As the raindrops which glides on the surface of the smooth stone.
على الذَّبْلِ جَيَّاشٍ كَأَنَّ اهتزامَهُ إِذا جاشَ فيهِ حميُهُ غَليُ مِرْجَلِ
Even if has the slim abdomen, but it has vigorous actions.
Its neighs boil inside its chest as if the boiling water.
مِسَحِّ إِذا ما السَّابحاتُ على الوَنَى أَثَرْنَ الْغُبارَ بالكَديدِ المرَكلِ
Its running increases gradually while it is racing with other horses.
Simultaneously the horses raise the dust over the sold ground.
- َزِلّ الْغُلامَ الخِفُّ عَنْ صَهَواتِهِ وَيُلْوي بأَثَوابِ الْعَنيفِ الُمثَقَّلِ
This horse could not be ridden only by the bold equestrian.
Since the young man or the little expert may slip away on its back.
دَريرٍ كَخُذْروفِ الْوَليدِ أمَرَّهُ تَتابُعُ كفّيْهِ بخيْطٍ مُوَصَّلِ
It is swift horse as if the pierced stone which the boys play by it.
On which they fasten to the stone a short thread to circle it.
لَهُ أَيْطَلا ظَبْي وسَاقا نَعامةٍ وَإِرْخاءُ سِرحانٍ وَتَقْرِيبُ تَتْفُلِ
The horse has the flank of deer and legs of ostriches.
In addition, it has the walking wolf pattern when it attacks.
ضليعٍ إِذا استَدْبَرْتَهُ سَدَّ فَرْجَهُ بضاف فُوَيْقَ الأَرْض ليس بأَعزَلِ
That horse has large ribs bones and wide forehead.
Moreover, its tail does not touch the earth, usually is straight tail.
That is a good property acts to close the space between its back legs.
كأنَّ على الَمتْنَينِ منهُ إِذا انْتَحَى مَدَاكَ عَروسٍ أَوْ صَلايَةَ حنظلِ
Seemingly its two solders are alike the smooth sold stone.
On which people crush the solid material over it.
كأنَّ دِماءَ الهادِياتِ بِنَحْرِهِ عُصارَةُ حِنَّاءٍ بشَيْبٍ مُرَجَّلِ
The bloods of the precedable hunting wild animals stain its front.
It looks alike the hoary hair which is combed with henna stain.
فَعَنَّ لنا سِرْبٌ كأنَّ نِعاجَهُ عَذارَى دَوارٍ في مُلاءٍ مُذَيّلِ
A herd of an antelope confronts us on this wilderness.
Its females as the virgin girls encircle around standing stone.
Since the colour of this animal is white likes the colour of virgin girls.
فأَدْبَرْنَ كالجِزْعِ المَفصَّل بَيْنَهُ بِجِيدِ مُعَمِّ في الْعَشيرةِ مُخْوَلِ
When they turn back its appearance looks alike the Yemenite beads.
It is similar to the gray necklace beads, which encircles the boy neck.
فأَلحَقَنا بالهادِياتِ ودُونَهُ جَواحِرُها في صَرَّةٍ لم تُزَيَّلِ
As this horse is fast, we reach the forefront of this herd easily.
While the rear end of the herd cannot separate since the herd is slower than the horse.
فَعادى عِداءً بَيْنَ ثوْرٍ وَنَعْجَةٍ درَاكاً وَلَمْ يَنْضَحْ بِماءٍ فَيُغْسَلِ
Since it is swift horse it can confine one aux and one caw in one time.
Exactly the horse helps its rider not to give the hunts time to sweat more.
فظَلَّ طُهاةُ اللّحْم من بَيْنِ مُنْضجِ صَفِيفَ شِواءٍ أَوْ قَدِيرٍ مُعَجَّلِ
Then the meat is abundant for each one to cook or grill.
وَرُحْنَا يَكادُ الطّرْفُ يَقْصُر دُونَهُ مَتَى مَا تَرَقَّ الْعَيْنُ فيهِ تَسَفّلِ
Until evening, we still describe extensively this horse figure and shape.
Even if our sight admire its upper parts but soon it will fix on its legs.
فَبَاتَ عَلَيْهِ سَرْجُهُ وَلِجامُهُ وباتَ بِعَيْني قائِماً غَيْرَ مُرْسَلِ
It slept the night puts on its saddle and rein.
Never eats something until the morning.
أَصَاحِ تَرَى بَرْقاً أُرِيكَ وَمِيضَهُ كَلمْعِ الْيَدَيْنِ فِي حَبيِّ مُكلّلِ
O, friend do you see that lightening which flashes its gleam.
I think it is similar to the hand shaking in this cloudy darkness.
يضِيءُ سَنَاهُ أَوْ مَصَابِيحُ راهِبٍ أَمَالَ السَّلِيطَ بالذُّبَالِ الُمُفَتَّلِ
This gleaming is alike the shadow lantern's light of the monk.
Otherwise, when the monk puts more fuel the light increases more.
قَعَدْتُ لَهُ وَصُحْبَتي بَيْنَ ضَارِجٍ وَبَيْنَ الْعُذَيْبِ بَعْدَ مَا مُتَأَمَّلي
I sat there between my fellows astonishing that glimmering clouds.
However, it appears distant but I think it covers me.
على قَطَن بالشَّيْم أيْمنُ صَوْتهِ وَأَيْسَرُهُ على الْسِّتَارِ فَيُذْبُلِ
O, what a large cloud it is! Its right side covers (Katn) mountain.
However, its left side covers (Yathbul) mountain.
(These between brackets are names of mountains in Mecca.)
فَأَضْحَى يَسُحُّ الْماءَ حوْلَ كُتَفْيَهٍ يَكُبُّ على الأذْقانِ دَوْجَ الكَنَهْبَلِ
The flowage, which came from these mountain peak—
Had rooted up the large trees and swept the ground occasionally.
وَمَرَّ على الْقَنّانِ مِنْ نَفَيَانِهِ فَأَنْزَلَ منْه العُصْمَ من كلّ منزِلِ
The rainy clouds had come over the (Finan) mountain.
On which lastly resulted into that all ibexes descended down.
وَتَيْماءَ لَمْ يَتْرُكْ بها جِذْعَ نَخْلَةٍ وَلا أُطُماً إِلا مَشِيداً بِجَنْدَلِ
Even this rainy cloud leaves nothing to be stand at (Tymma) village.
It rooted up the trees and the buildings except those were built by rocks.
كَأَنَّ ثَبيراً فِي عَرانِينِ وَبْلهِ كَبيرُ أْنَاسٍ فِي بِجَاد مُزَمَّلِ
I think that (Thabber) mountain had hit by that rainy clouds firstly.
It is wrapped as the head of the tribe who wears many fine coats.
كَأَنَّ ذُرَى رَأْسِ الُمجَيْمِرِ غُدْوَةً من السَّيْلِ وَالأَغْثَاءِ فَلْكَهُ مِغْزلِ
Seemingly the peak of this hill is alike the middle of the spindle.
In how much the flowage covered it by grasses and scum on its center.
وَألْقَى بصَحراءِ الْغَبيطِ بَعاعَهُ نزُولَ اليماني ذي العِيابِ المحمَّلِ
This heavy cloud provides the desert to be an abundant fertile land.
As if the Yemeni merchant who displays his variant goods of welfare.
كَأَنَّ مَكاكّي الجِواءِ غُدَيَّةً صُبِحْنَ سُلافاً من رَحيقٍ مُفَلْفَلِ
As if, these birds were drinking an experiencing wine.
Since they sing beautifully and fluently at morning after they see the rain.
كانَّ الْسِّباعَ فِيهِ غَرْقَى عَشِيَّةً بِأَرْجَائِهِ الْقُصْوَى أَنَابِيشُ عُنْصُلِ
This flowage had drowning the lions on that evening.
Hence their bodies are look alike the wetted and muddy wild onions.