Spenser's personal site for things Spenser is enjoying and wanting to show you! (site contents below) use your mouse scroll wheel and "left click" function to view.

fisho down This website uses an efficient fish-based (based fish) navigation technique.


Defines a Common Lisp reader to read in CSV:


or read in CSV files with `slurp`:

(slurp #p"example.csv")

and the result is a list:

CL-USER> (csv:slurp #p"example.csv")
("example" "csv" "list" "result" "like" " this")

This program invokes the lisp reader, making it:

  1. Potentially risky to use if the input it not trusted.

  2. Resource intensive for medium to large files (>5MB).

Use with care.


Supports escaping quotes the CSV way, with quad quotes:

csv   -> lisp

"""" -> "\""


[Clone from github](https://github.com/equwal/CSV) into asdf load directory and
use ASDF to install:

$ git clone https://github.com/equwal/CSV
$ sbcl
CL-USER> (asdf:load-system :csv)


By default backslashes are not escaped.
CSV is expected to be a list of quoted items, like this:

fisho up
in: projects

Spenser Truex

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