How to Beat Emacs M-x dunnet in 5 minutes.
In the emacs text editor there are some goofy commands that play games. M-x
(which means Alt+x) is the way to execute a command in the editor, so M-x dunnet
starts the game called "dunnet" which is a text adventure. I cheated and won.
Defining just one function and setting one variable is sufficient to win.
[Here is a text map of the easy path.](https://spensertruex.com/static/path.txt)
The command prompt is a `>`.
Basic Commands
pathDirections Are: n,s,e,w,ne,se,nw,sw,u,d,in,out (so you might
go n
To win
First, save the game so you can restart easily later:
>save ~/fresh.dun
How you need to move around the world a bit. Dunnet will greet you:
<pre>You are at a dead end of a dirt road. The road goes to the east.
In the distance you can see that it will eventually fork off. The
trees here are very tall royal palms, and they are spaced equidistant
from each other.
There is a shovel here.</pre>
>take shovel
>go e
>go e
>take cpu
>go se
>take food
>go se
>feed bear food
>take key
>go nw
>go nw
>go ne
>go ne
>go ne
>go w
>put cpu in computer
Now in M-: you must login to the VAX console
Eval: (setq dun-logged-in t)
back to the dungeon:
greeted by a $ prompt:
To get to endgame in the VAX console, define this with M-:
(defun dun-score (garb) 90)
Now back to the dungeon:
$ rlogin endgame
>go n
Congrats, now you get questions, here they all are with answers:
What is your password on the machine called 'pokey'? robert
What password did you use during anonymous ftp to gamma? foo
Excluding the endgame, how many places are there where you can put
treasures for points? 4 or fourWhat is your login name on the 'endgame' machine? toukmond
What is the nearest whole dollar to the price of the shovel?
20 or twentyWhat is the name of the bus company serving the town? mobytours
Give either of the two last names in the mailroom, other than your own.
collierWhat cartoon character is on the towel? snoopy
What is the last name of the author of EMACS? stallman
How many megabytes of memory is on the CPU board for the Vax? 2
Which street in town is named after a U.S. state? vermont
How many pounds did the weight weigh? ten
Name the STREET which runs right over the subway stop. 4th
How many corners are there in town (excluding the one with the Post Office)?
24What type of bear was hiding your key? grizzly
Name either of the two objects you found by digging. cpu
What network protocol is used between pokey and gamma? ip
So you might do:
>answer cpu
>go n
there are three quesions in total:
something>go n
something>take bill
(naturally, you deserve it you cheater)!
>go n
>take Mona
(you dirty cheater)
Congrats you are in the winner's room.
>save ~/cheater.dun
>restore ~/fresh.dun
Now you can actually play it if you want.